Scotland supporters are preparing for their team's opening game against Germany at the European Championship, with tens of thousands of fans arriving in Munich

Scotland hasn't played a European Championship match abroad since 1992, and its supporters, nicknamed the Tartan Army, are making the most of it.

The fans, who have been dancing and singing as bagpipes fill the air, have filled pubs and bars without any trouble.

Scotland played in the pandemic-delayed 2021 European Championship but had to travel restrictions due to the coronavirus.

Before that, Scotland hadn't qualified for a major tournament since the 1998 World Cup in France.

Scotland coach Steve Clarke said that the nation should be proud of their presence in Germany.

The Scottish FA estimated that 100,000 fans would travel to Germany, but British media is reporting double that figure.

The majority of fans arrived by plane, train, or automobile, but some traveled by more unconventional methods, such as cycling or walking.

Craig Ferguson, a 20-year-old from Paisley, set off on an epic walk to raise money for charity, raising over 62,000 pounds ($79,000) for men's mental health and suicide prevention.

He hoped to see Scotland pull off an upset against Germany.

The Scotland team has been seeing images and video of the support, which gives them a big boost.

They hope that the supporters enjoy themselves and behave themselves during the game.